Small town . . . Big adversities . . . HUGE dreams!
Do you want a better life for yourself, for others, for your kids? Where do you begin?
I have always dreamed and saw myself as a difference maker—someone who
would impact and change the world. For some lucky reason, most challenges in my
life always seemed to be very big, and very hard, and mostly taken on alone.
Through it all, I strived to develop my personal growth and to NOT make excuses
for what happened to me. My answer is to always find something positive, a
takeaway in a difficult moment, and to embrace life and be accountable in its most
challenging times. Why? In doing so, I can better myself and those around me.
What about YOU? With the power of individual choice and change, you can
transform communities, culture, and countries.
My purpose and passion: to transparently and authentically impact those who
face very difficult moments; to challenge, inspire, and raise them up for a great
and remarkable life, here and after for the Kingdom.
“If you told me you don’t like your life, tell me: What kind of life you would
like?” Kirk Tinsley
Today, I choose to equip, challenge, and lead. That is why I dedicate so much of
my time to giving back, giving hope, and delivering hard truths and perspective.
Since today is the only day we are guaranteed, what will you do? Who will you
become? Here is a suggestion: Become a great you! You are gifted, and I expect
much from you because I know you have much left to offer. Are you ready? If I can
ever help, please reach out to our team. In all honesty, just between me and you . .
. I expect you to!